Minha and Kabalat Shabat 18.40 - This week we'll have a joint kabalat shabat with all the communities in our building
Shachrit: 9
Minha Shabat: 17.15
Moze Shabat: 19.39
Seudat Shlishit with comments on Parashat Hashavua at 18.45
We recommend reading Shemà before Shahrit - Zman kriat shema 9.28
IMPORTANT: As of this week, according to Health Minister office, our Minian operates according to Tav Yarok. As of this week, children will be allowed only according to the Green Pass rules (PCR test negative).
All the activities for children are temporarily paused.
KOLEL: Do you want to study Ghemara? Our Kolel is open on Sun/Tue/Wed at 8PM. Reach out to Edoardo 053-2240965. Pasta from Pankina for everyone .
Book your Lulav by contacting Arik or Joe until Sept 6th.
You can choose between the following 3 options:
1) Kosher - 80 Shekel
2) Kosher Mehadrin 100 Shekel
3) Kosher Mehadrin min Hameadrin 120 Shekel

For supporting our Minian click here
Shabbat Shalom