Minha and Kabalat Shabbat 17.28
Shachrit: 8.45
Minha Shabbat: 17.15
Moze Shabbat: 18.28
We recommend reading Shemà before Shachrit - Zman kriat shema 8.48
MAZAL TOV to Emuna & Joseph Menda for the birth of their first son. On Sunday at 8AM Shahrit followed by Brit Mila (at 9AM).
BSISA: Thanks to Moris Raccah we keep the Libyan tradition of Rosh Hodesh Nissan. If you want to order your Bsisa dose (300gr) you can contact him by 24/03/2022 at his mob. phone 0549386913. Profits from the sale of Bsisa will be devolved to Naton Titen and used for the food package distributed before Pesach.
KOLEL: Do you want to study Ghemara? Our Kolel is open on Sun/Tue/Wed at 8PM. Reach out to Edoardo 053-2240965. Pasta from Pankina for everyone .
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Shabbat Shalom