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  • Arik Bendaud

Shabat Vajakhel

  • Minha and Kabalat Shabbat 17.21

  • Shachrit: 8.45

  • Minha Shabbat: 17.05

  • Moze Shabbat: 18.21

We recommend reading Shemà before Shachrit - Zman kriat shema 8.55

KOLEL:  Do you want to study Ghemara? Our Kolel is open on Sun/Tue/Wed at 8PM. Reach out to Edoardo 053-2240965. Pasta from Pankina for everyone .

Italian Minian and Naton Titen initiatives - click here to support our soldiers and brothers from the North & South of Israel

For supporting our Minian click here  

Shabbat Shalom

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