October 4th
- Minha Gdola at14
- The fast starts at 18
- Kol Nidrei at 18.15 (Mizvot will be sold at 18.05)
October 5th
- Shachrit at 8
- Musaf at 11.15
Break between 13.30-15.30
- Minha at 15.30
- Neila at 17.55
- Arvit and end of fast at 18.58
Haftarat Yona will be sold right before Minha.
Neila and Hatanim of Simha Torah will be sold before Neila.
All the activities for children are temporarily paused.
KAPPAROT - Kapparot to be offered by Yom Kippur can be donated to the Non Profit Organization Naton Titen as follows:
BIT 0538211681
Bank Transfer:
Account Name: נתון תתן (ע"ר)
Bank Mizrahi Tefachot
Branch 421
Account no. 209069
For supporting our Minian click here
Gmar Hatima Tova!